Urban Planning, Leadership, & Grant Support for Emerging Communities
Building successful people and places
Urban Planning, Leadership, & Grant Support for Emerging Communities
Building successful people and places
Building successful people and places
Building successful people and places
Kevin provides leadership development, strategic planning, and technical support for emerging downtowns and Main Street leadership teams.
Community development thrives in partnership. Kevin's facilitative leadership style can support your efforts to bring organizations and people together to tackle local and regional challenges.
Kevin has raised over $1.2M for historic preservation projects and Main Street programs. Kevin can help you write and review grant applications to meet your strategic goals.
Communities thrive when people and place are both centered in the work.
Kevin Teater brings years of experience working in downtown development, primarily as executive director of a Main Street America program, where he spent his time implementing programs that built the sense of place in his community by strengthening collaborations with business owners, organizational partners, and local government leadership. As a result of his statewide downtown leadership throughout the pandemic, Kevin received the 2021 Oregon Main Street Manager of the Year award.
Character of a community is nothing without the characters of the community. And yet community development can sometimes be lonely work. Streetview Planning can help build the leadership of your organization and partnership with others so that you can better serve your community long into the future.
Even the right people in leadership can struggle without a strategic plan and funding that support the creation of the place they are serving. Streetview Planning can lead your strategic planning process and help with grant applications so that your work can create the best places possible.
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